一顿团圆饭,正是阖家欢聚时, 用喜庆洋洋的中国红记录家的团圆仪式,以传统复古的中式旗袍为主题, 一家人统一的中国红色调, 喜庆的氛围感和端庄感油然而生, 记录一家人的欢喜时刻, 一顿团团圆圆的年夜饭承载了大家对年的祝福, 父母长辈都喜欢的传统韵味, 新年这么拍,寓意新的一年, 必定红红火火,好运常伴。
Funnydocin family photo photography, founded in 2006. It mainly provides photography services such as children's photography, family photo photography, baby feast, double image recording, global parent-child travel photography, and neonatal door-to-door photography.
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