宝妈妈您好,今天给您推荐的是超级元气的《伶鸭密语》,喜欢小清新风的一定不要错过。 服装采用纯棉吊带连体衣,吊带与荷叶边的设计,让宝贝软萌的轮廓更加可爱,向日葵元素针织包头帽,柔软感与暖色系的治愈感,把宝贝的可爱包裹,发型采用俏皮的小羊毛卷,一整套造型下来超级可爱,元气满满。 1:1的多个元气鸭作为道具,在极简空间里打造宝贝与元气鸭的玩趣时光,每一个画面都超级清新治愈。 摄影师以玩趣故事为主线,捕捉宝贝自然玩乐时的超萌状态及情绪细节,整个画面看上去和谐有爱,小可爱的治愈时光,快带你家宝贝来体验。
Funnydocin family photo photography, founded in 2006. It mainly provides photography services such as children's photography, family photo photography, baby feast, double image recording, global parent-child travel photography, and neonatal door-to-door photography.
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