宝妈妈您好呀,给您推荐的这套小童肖像《落跑甜心》,简直甜度爆表,快给家里的小公主安排起来。 温柔的粉色背景墙,打造温馨唯美的氛围感,整个画面纯净简洁,却充满张力,造型上选用同色系的藕粉色毛衣和蓬蓬裙,配饰选择茸茸兔毛帽和糯叽叽的小粉鞋,色调非常和谐统一,宝贝穿着可爱蓬蓬裙做着各种俏皮的动作,谁看了不被萌一脸~ 摄影师也运用各种视角拍下小宝贝萌萌的一面,家里有小公主的宝妈妈不要错过哟。
Funnydocin family photo photography, founded in 2006. It mainly provides photography services such as children's photography, family photo photography, baby feast, double image recording, global parent-child travel photography, and neonatal door-to-door photography.
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