宝妈妈您好呀,给您推荐的这套小童肖像《光之遇》,自然光影营造高级感写真,喜欢的宝妈妈不要错过哟。 自然光线从窗口穿过,蕾丝白纱帘在风中飘动,一张张照片都充满生机,画面都开始随风舞动起来了,阳光打在发间和身上营造出了满满的清透感,造型上选用了可爱娃娃领小红裙,浪漫小卷扎起的马尾制造出慵懒午后的氛围。 摄影师运用俯拍、仰拍等角度,抓拍宝贝自然流露出的情绪,都是非常具有纪念意义的,喜欢的宝妈妈快给宝贝安排啦。
Funnydocin family photo photography, founded in 2006. It mainly provides photography services such as children's photography, family photo photography, baby feast, double image recording, global parent-child travel photography, and neonatal door-to-door photography.
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