宝妈妈您好呀,给您推荐的这套萌宝系列《时光童话》,北欧风的整体设计感和生日造型,很适合给过生日的宝宝拍摄哟。 造型师选用质感轻奢公主风蓬蓬裙,褶皱花边和细致闪闪亮钻装点,可爱又大方,立体裁剪工艺搭配时尚的收腰设计,凸显出小公主的优雅时尚,蕾丝袜和蕾丝布艺感的搭配,无不散发着优雅的优雅的力量,质感高级灰的纯色背景和气球蛋糕的融合互搭,新潮的基调中映衬出纯真的孩童时光。 摄影师在不断的抓拍中,记录下萌宝的一举一动,孩童的纯真时光,当然要仪式感满满的记录啦
Funnydocin family photo photography, founded in 2006. It mainly provides photography services such as children's photography, family photo photography, baby feast, double image recording, global parent-child travel photography, and neonatal door-to-door photography.
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